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Semester Baru


Sejak aku masuk semester baru nie, aku takde citer lagi kan pasal life aku...

Well, semester nie aku amik 18 jam kredit walaupun sebenarnya aku nak amik 20 jam kredit tetapi memandangkan aku takut aku tak dapat bawak, so i'm settled with 18 kredit hours...

And i'm very happy with the timetables that i got this semester...i'm free on thursday while on friday i just got 1 hour class but then the lecturer decided to cancel the class and replace it on other it means that i have no classes on thursday and friday...yeahaa...

and the downside of my timetables is i got 9 hours of classes on monday - 2 hours in the morning, 4 hours in the evening and 3 hours on night...and it really drains my energy...and willingness to pay attention in class especially the one at night...

besides that, i also have to attend co-curricular activities from 8 till 1 p.m...but i'm happy with that...since the classes are fun...

on tuesday and wednesday, ada kelas 3 jam pada kedua-dua hari tue...kesimpulannya, semester nie jadual aku sangatlah tidak padat kecuali hari isnin...

for co-curricular, i'm taking BSMM which stands for Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia...why i chose that?...becos i'm not interested with the other options that are being offered...

for lecturers, semua pon ok...takde yang garang...semua baik2 aje...cuma antara boring atau tak aje...

untuk semester nie, aku still tinggal kat kolej yang sama...cuma kena tukar ke rumah lain...the housemates still the same as last semester...even some of my new neighbours i already met last semester kecuali satu rumah yang ada bebudak semester satu ambilan disember...derang tue macam tak bersosial...balik kelas terus duduk dalam rumah...cuma kenal 2 orang aje dari rumah tue itu pon sebab kitaorang tegur dulu...kalau tak, haram nak bertegur sapa...

semester nie, rumah kitaorang dah ada 2 kereta, satu motor...kereta tue milik roomate aku, Pet ngan satu lagi Imran punya...motor plak sah-sah la aku yang bawa...dan mungkin Nuar pon nak bawak motor lepas cuti raya cina nie...

so makin panjang la langkah kaki kami serumah lepas nie...even memang kitaorang dah pi jalan2 pon tapi nantila aku citer...

Now playing: Bunkface - Situasi
via FoxyTunes

