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A New Day In A New Semester

Yesterday was my first day in 2nd semester or we called it spring term...luckily i've only 1 lecture to attend yesterday which started at 1 p.m and finish at 2...muahahah so yersterday i still woke up late....

so....what's new in this term?...nothing i guess...the timetable most likely same just like the last term...only that i've got to attend computer lab session 2 hours per week to learn programming...that's all....overall i got 11 hours lectures, 2 hours of computer lab and 3 hours of example classess per week to attend....

And same just like the last term, from 11 hours lectures, 5 hours of it are on friday....argghhh what the heck....i don't like having classess on friday....and guess what....i myself don't know why i don't like having classess on friday....i just don't like it....

