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Kisah semalam

Hah, pasal semalam yang bebudak tue mungkir janji ngan aku tue...derang dah mintak maap kat aku...well i don't say it was their fault 100%...maybe it just 50% their fault and the rest of it came from me...cos actually they are trying to call me yesterday morning to tell that the plan has been cancel but i didn't tell them that my mobile number has been expired...therefore i can't be reach by mobile...

the reason i didn't tell them about that and my 'temporary' number just because it was only for a short period of time...and i think there is no need to tell them...for long as i can remember when my mobile number still exist, i rarely or maybe i should say never got a call from i assume there is no problem if i don't tell them about my 'temporary' mobile number until yesterday...

but as it was my fault that they can't reach me by mobile, i'll apologize to them...and i just want them to know that i never ever meant by what i'm writing yesterday...and right now...or maybe at the class yesterday i already don't feel angry at them as i realized it was not their fault 100% ...

