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Untuk sesapa yang tak kenal Zack Imran, meh teman nak kabo...hah Zack Imran nih one of characters in 8TVs' drama series every sunday lol citer nie...dilakonkan oleh Nazrudin or Abang Naz from Kelab Disney Malaysia in 90's which i grew up with....besides him, there's Cheryl Samad as Eza...

Oh by the way, Zack Imranlah the ghost in this drama...and Eza is the only one who can see him thus the only one that can help him looking for his killer...

And this sunday is the series finale...

So untuk sesapa yang tak pernah dengar or tengok drama series nie, hurry up watch it at 8TVs' website before sunday night or else you guys will regret...

Why i said so?

Because this drama full with suspense, thriller, drama, romance, and a little comedy plus its full with great actors and actress - Naz, Cheryl, Carmen Soo, Nas-t, Razif Hashim and many more...
