"Kita kenal diri dahulu, kemudian barulah kita boleh mengenalpasti siapa sahabat sejati. Sahabat sejati amatlah penting terutamanya ketika kita berada diambang kegawatan..."
Kata Hikmah
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- Shunjike7
- 11:17 PTG
Selepas penat melayan semua tetamu yang datang semalam, hari nie hanya duduk bermalas-malasan kat rumah...
Tapi dalam duduk-duduk tue, banyak bende jugak aku tengah fikirkan
Macam-macam bende ade dalam kepala otak den nie ha...
Pikir pasal tue, pikir pasal nie...
Pastu nak hilangkan runsing di kepala, aku kemas bilik...
Tapi lepas kemas bilik, still berselerak jugak aku tengok.
Runsing kepala otak bila tengok bilik berselerak nie.
So, turun bawah tengok tv.
Itu ajela.
Oh by the way, Hamilton kalah kat Brazildan tak dapat jadi juara Formula 1.
Alonso pon kalah jugak. Yang menang si Kimi Raikkonen.
Padan muka McLaren, dari satu pasukan yang dijangka menang, terus kalah baik pasukan mahupun pemandu.
Disebabkan Hamilton kalah, rakyat Britain pon kempunan jugak untuk lihat rakyatnya menjadi juara Formula 1.
Dan England juga kalah dalam perlawanan akhir Rugby World Cup menentang South Afrika.
Maka Britain kempunan berturut-turut.
Aku tetap aku. Tak kisah samada derang menang atau tidak. Dalam dua-dua bende tue, takde nama Malaysia. So, lantak pi la kat depa.
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- Shunjike7
- 6:28 PG
Kemeriahan Berterusan
Selamat Hari Raya
Dah masuk 8 syawal hari nie, tapi kemeriahan berhari raya tetap tak berhenti-henti...
Hari nie rumah aku buat open house...ekceli memula takdela open sangat pon since ini hanya untuk invited guest aje...but then in the end kitorang ajak semua orang jugak...
So yang semalam tue yang chaos tue sebab nak prepare untuk hari nie la...memang tak cukup kakitangan sebab ader yang sibuk nak siapkan projek universiti...but in the end, siap jugak semuanya...
Open house rumah kitaorang ader 2 sesi...lepas zuhur for girls and lepas asar plak adalah untuk boys...sebabnya...jeng jeng jeng takde sebab pon...saje je...
Agar-agar Tembikai, Air Cincau, Air Sirap, Anggur
Mostly semua yang kitaorang jemput hadir kecuali beberapa orang yang ader urusan lain seperti beraya di Notts, berpuasa dan aderla alasan2 lain...tetapi kemeriahan dan keriuhan tetap ader ...even orang yang kitaorang tak kenal pon datang...
Alhamdulillah makanan yang dihidangkan memenuhi selera dan tembolok para tetamu...tidak kurang, dan tidak pula berlebih-lebihan makanan tuesehingga membazir...malah dipuji lagi kesedapan makanan2 tue...yerla mana tak sedap...tengokla sapa yang masak kalau tak bujang 6 orang trang tang tang...
Lupa plak nak amik gambar trifle yang dibuat oleh Amar.
So thanks kepada kawan2 yang sudi datang memenuhkan tembolok masing-masing...it's great to have you guys coming to our house....next year, we celebrate raya at Malaysia, so this is our last open house...
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- Shunjike7
- 3:21 PG
Dialog below started at 3 p.m...after jumaat prayer!
Ayam tak potong lagi...tak perap lagi...tak cucuk kat lidi lagi...
Bawang tak kupas lagi....halia dah habis....arghh dessert tak buat lagi...
Cepattt mee tue nak kena masak...bihun tue nak kena rendam...
Tak cukup bekas la nak rendam bihun tue...
Eh sotong ngan udang tak defrost lagi....hadui macamana bley lupa nie....
Eh kuah mee tue biler nak masak? nak tunggu dapur clear dulu ke?
Ko punya cucur tue biler nak bancuh? kacang tanah tue dah goreng dah?
Ayam nie bile nak bakar? sempat ke nak bakar esok pagi?
Aku rasa bakar guna oven senang sikit kot...dahle kat luar tue sejuk kalau nak bakar guna arang
Esok nak hidang air ape? Ko punya dessert dalam peti ais tue dah keras ke belum?
Dah hidupkan api ke belum kat arang tue?
Laa tak siap cucuk lagi ayam2 tue kat lidi...cepatle...
Ha, dah hangit dah tue, cepat pusingkan ayam tue....
In the end, we finished at 11...boom terus atas katil!!
Cerita ini bersambung esok hari.
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- Shunjike7
- 6:17 PG
3rd Year Gathering
Oh, what a night, last night....
Memula nak citer pagi semalam...bangun awal pagi sebab nak ikut Amar gi Wing Yip nak beli barang2 mentah macam ayam and sayur...memula nak gi Sing Fatt aje tapi memandangkan Wing Yip lagi besar dari Sing Fatt, maka tukar destinasi...
Then on the afternoon, i had a meeting with committee of Birmingham Uni. Malaysian Students Society (Masoc)...they heard about Mines Open House on 27 oct and they decided to collaborate with Mines to organize the open house....and the meeting yesterday is all about how are we gonna divide the workloads...so after a quick introduction of Mines, answering a few questions, stated a few facts, the meeting is over...
Although there are a few points that we don't agree, in the end i would say it went well...
Then, after zuhur, Ruslan and i went to Nana's open house in Jarrat Hall....at first we're hesitate to go since we are not so close with them plus the host didn't invite us directly....but then Hubert called and say he want to meet us there...by the way, Hubert is my friend who came from Nottingham for a day trip...
We lepak there quite a while since we need to wait Amar n Hairi to turn up...and it's already 5 p.m when we reached home...
In the night, we got an invitation for an open house by Zwan...unfortunately we already got a plan...all the third year student(all KPM and 6 Mara students) having a gathering at The Flame, StarCity....the purpose, this might be the last time we'll meet together since after this, we're all busy with something plus we're still in Hari Raya mood...
So, as usual when we're there, we'll eat as much as we want...and in the end, semua pon tersandar kat kerusi...after that, as usual ader sesi bergambar...nasib baik masa tue restoran tue dah kosong, tinggal kitaorang aje yang tak reti-reti nak berambus...so tangkap gambar here, tangkap gambar there...
By the way, kat the flame tue ader orang buat statement berani mati...
"Abang, why are you wearing a necklace?" asked Adik A
"Cos it will make me PRETTY!" said Abang B
Bawah hidung ader misai, bawah mulut ader janggut seciput, will make me pretty konon (sempena hari raya bulan mulia, saya memohon ampun zahir batin kepada Abang B...hahaha)
and we're home, just go to bed early since i'm really tired
Today, dengan muka tak malu i asked Zwan to open his house for us since we can't go there last night...so tonight we went to his house...got bihun boreng, nasi with tomyam, kuih2 raya and desserts...they also got kerepek ubi pedas which is my favourite...and apparently it was not just me that like kerepek ubi pedas...and since i'm really hungry, ended up with 2 plates of bihun plus kuih2 raya...
So, thanks to the host yang sudi buat open house today only for us...
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- Shunjike7
- 7:18 PTG
2nd Day
2nd Day in Syawal
Cerita berhari raya tetap meriah di hari kedua...bangun agak lewat...bukan agak tapi memang lewat pon...got a message from Ruslan asking what time we'll go to open house...bajet ader satu open house aje hari nie but turn out we got another invitation...since all my housemates still sleeping, satu keroje plak aku nak kena tanya bebudak nie nak gerak kul bape...
So, we decided to gerak dalam tengahari sikit...oh ekceli ader lebih dari 2 open house but it was at Aston...since kitaorang dah puas berjalan semalam, so hari nie kitaorang pegi yang dekat2 aje...
Destinasi pertama, Douper Hall...rumah si Marisa n Rusya...as usual ader kuih muih and raya food...aku ingatkan Rusya yang masak sorang...sekali Marisa pon ader masak jugak...kecik ati dia aku kater dia tak masak...so makan-makan, sembang2, jeling2...pastu blah sebab ader tetamu lain dah sampai...
Then memula ingat nak straight gi open house kedua which is rumah Jija but then dia tak siap masak lagi...so lencong ke rumah Zwan yang selang beberapa rumah aje ngan rumah Jija...sempat kutuk tv dia yang aku rasa zaman 80's punya tv...giler antikla...skang nie kan susah nak jumpa tv yang kena tekan butang kat tv kalau nak tukar channel...semua skang nie main tekan remote control aje...ini tv kat rumah dia tue still kena tekan butang...manerla tak kena kutuk...nasib baik tv tue ader kaler...kalau black n white memang lagi kaw-kawla kitaorang kutuk...
Then, gerak ke rumah Jija...masuk aje kitaorang disambut dengan tuan rumah yang sibuk mempromosi a.k.a memuji rumahnya sendiri...kitaorang angguk ajela, kang kecik ati...pastu oelh sebab derang tak siap masak lagi, bedal lagi kuih raya...
Pastu barulah dihidang dengan main course which is nasi lemak and mee goreng...walaupun baru aje melantak kat rumah Marisa, kat sini melantak lagi...nak wat camna, dah hari raya...kalau semalam bley melantak sakan, why not today?
Tapi tak duduk lama pon kat sini sebab derang pon ader terima tetamu lain so kenala angkat kaki...takkan tak reti2 kot...
All ini all i think this weekend is the best raya i've celebrated...and possibly the most open house i go...because for the past few years, memang aku tak gi mana2 open house...sebab tak rajin nak gi...but this year, fuhh aku sendiri tak sangka bley rajin mengheret kaki pegi semua open house...maybe sebab ader geng kot...so thanks guys because coming with me to the open houses...
Post Info
- Shunjike7
- 4:07 PG
Eid Mubarak
Maaf Zahir Batin
Then, rushing to Central Mosque to have Eid-ul Fitr prayer since we're a little bit late but thank god we made it...actually there is a few prayer session and we're going to the first session which started at 8 a.m...but since we're already have a plan this morning, therefore we agreed to go the earliest prayer...
The Imam is the one standing that wear the white clothes if you can see
Then back at home, wait for Zwan, Farid and Yusri to come, managed to call my family...talk a bit, ask what they doing at home, what are they cooking and that make me wanted to fly straight home...but i know it's not possible...
Then, by taking bus, or buses...we're heading to Erdington...there is a raya feast hold right there organized by PMPMB (Persatuan Masyarakat dan Pelajar Melayu Birmingham)....and there is nice crowds when we reached there...unfortunately there is a lot of unfamiliar faces...and there we are...sitting among ourselves, all undergraduate students...hahaha...what a waste going to such an event without making an effort to know the others Malaysian...
and childrens. All the mans and boys are either at outside smoking or
chatting at the back of the hall
The dishes are plenty and we can eat as much as we can but since we need to keep a spaces in the stomach, so just eat a little....but i quite disappointing with the dessert...not because it's not delicious but it's not enough for everyone...
After eating,...lepak at the outside...not for smoking yeah but for taking pictures session...
And at this point i realised that, this is my last raya celebration in UK...next year i'll celebrate it at Malaysia...
So tangkap gambar here, tangkap gambar there...kena tarik here, pegi tarik there....
The majlis end at 1 p.m...after bersalam-salaman, we're heading to bus stop to go to our next destination which is Abg Sulaiman's house at Harborne...and the food are really yummy...although it's a little bit cramped since his house is a 2-bedroom flat...
As you can see, it's autumn so there's
a lot of fall leaves.
Then, balik rumah dulu untuk berehat...sebab this evening, there is still 2 open houses we need to go....i managed to megheluh (sleep) for less than five minutes before Zwan call me...
We promised to Iqa we'll reach her house at 5, but ring her house's bell 1/2 hour late...and Dr hafizal are there too...so makan-makan lagi...and as Hairi and i predicted, there is a tuna casserole by Aishah...hahaha
After a quick makan2 session, head back to my home to perform maghrib and straight back to bus stop to go to Dr Hafizal's house in Hall Green...i hate the 1 hour journey by bus to go to his house since we need to change bus at city centre because if we go by car, it'll take less than 15 minutes or so to reach his house...what a complete waste of time but when we reached there, it really worth all the nausea cause by the journey...
And what else can i say about Dr Hafizal and kak Mag, a nice couple living in Birmingham...a couple that really took care all of us...and the food cooked by kak Mag, it was marvellous...and i hope one day, i'll found someone like her...
Ah, what a day...i think we've covering whole Birmingham in one day...from Erdington to Harborne, Edgbaston to Hall Green...
Post Info
- Shunjike7
- 5:54 PG
Raya Eve
Finally, tomorrow is Raya...
Although we are a few remaining peoples that celebrate raya tomorrow but the feeling, the sensation are still same with the others...and of course i think it was more cheerful since tomorrow are Saturday, which means that we don't need to think about classes while celebrating raya...
Raya preparation started after Jumaat prayer...first task is to clean the house...and my job is to clean upstairs toilet...although it's not my favorite task but it's okay since i'm the one that assign all the task to all my housemates...
Then, i continue with baking cookies...what?...yes i baking cookies...so what?...for a guys living at overseas, far far away from his family, where he can't go to any shop and say 'Bagi saya yang itu 2 bekas, yang itu 3 bekas, dan yang hujung tue, ala kuih belang-belang tue, ha saya nak 3 bekas jugak', so he need to bake cookies...
And that one is our 3rd cookies...first it was famous amous, kinda like chocolate chip cookies, baked by Amar n Hairi...ermm the taste was marvelous although the look are kinda weird...seriously it was like cekodok you know...hahaha
the second one are butter cookies with haw flakes...haw flakes tue ala asam keping nipis saiz 20 sen...ha zaman2 dulu memang bebudak sukamakan bende tue...bebudak zaman skang nie kalau ditanya bende tue mesti taktau apa bende tue...and that cookies are my air tangan
and last but not the least are Almond London, one of my favorite cookies...but unfortunately we're short with cooking chocolate so only half of the cookies that has chocolate covering it...while the other halves, are bare...but it still tastes nice...
Oh in the mean time all my housemates are busy cleaning the rest of the house...except Ruslan since i ask him to go to Wing Yip to buy instant ketupat...oh poor guy...kesian dia kena gi jauh-jauh coz in the end, takde pon instant ketupat tue kat Wing Yip...sold out...i suspect it was because of raya...
And because i ask him to go to Wing Yip, he ask me to cook rendang ayam at home...oh gosh...i actually thought either Hairi or Ruslan will cook the rendang coz both of them are really great at cooking rendang...but then since both of them are busy doing something else, then the one that left is me...
So, what to do, by asking directions from Hairi, i started cook rendang...thank god there is 2 packets of rempah rendang which Ruslan brought from Malaysia, so it kinda make my life easier and enhanced the tastes of the rendang...while cooking rendang, Hairi is busy cleaning the kitchen and it was like a war zone...it was chaos inside the kitchen where i need to cook rendang, to finish baking cookies and at the same time preparing adunan for roti jala...
oh it was like 1 hour before iftar left and we still busy cleaning the house and cooking...what a mess...
but after all, we managed to finish all that right before maghrib and by that time, some of our guests already arrive...while i still busy making roti jala, the others are bertakbir raya...and then we all started to eat...it was like a small kenduri...oh our guests are all junior boys...
it was a relaxing night after that...a bit of talking, gossiping, umpating...and it was really meriah...
oh ok, i really sleepy right now, so good night guys...
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- Shunjike7
- 4:57 PG
Hai...memula kater raya esok(jumaat)...but then raya sabtu plak...
Ginilah keadaannya di UK...setiap bandar raya berbeza...macam kat Birmingham nie ader yang raya jumaat, ader raya sabtu...mostly Malaysian kat Birmingham nie akan raya jumaat setelah PMPMB umumkan raya jumaat setelah mengikut MSD yang ikut Central Mosque London...
But then, our house will continue fasting tomorrow...why? because Central Mosque Birmingham yang tak jauh dari rumah kitaorang plus a few other mosque in Birmingham like Green Lane mosque and Amanah mosque announced that Eid will be celebrated on saturday...
So, hanya bebudak rumah aku and a few other Malaysians kat Birm nie akan masih berpuasa esok walaupon majoriti Malaysians lain kat Birm dah raya esok...
Hurm pelik kan kalau orang2 kat Malaysia dengar...even my family pon macam tak caya apa yang aku cakap...but this is fact...memang kat UK nie raya lain2...yerla kat sini mana ader Majlis Raja2 yang nak announce kat tv bila akan sambut raya...so kitaorang hanya bergantung kepada local masjid untuk bagitau tarikh hari raya...
So yang raya hari jumaat adalah kat Manchester, Nottingham, London, Cambridge, Bristol while Birmingham, York, Leeds akan raya hari sabtu...
Pepun, still got one more days in Ramadhan...
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- Shunjike7
- 6:36 PG
Have u see Heroes season 2 episode 3- Kindred? If not, and don't want to know about it, please don scroll down...
All i want to say about this episode is, it was great...it tell what happened to other character like Niki and Micah...and in this episode many secrets, or should i say more power are involved...
First, Takezo Kensei...Hiro found out that Takezo got a power too...like Claire, Takezo also can regenerate his body...in last episode, Takezo got shot with an arrow...then after Hiro pull out the arrow from his body, Takezo are fine...
Peter learned that he got a few powers but don't know how to control the powers...but he managed to use it in the right time...also he got a box that contain his past story but decided not to open it...
In this episode too they show what happened to Sylar...looks like he got no power this time but still not sure wether he was temporarily or permanently lost his powers...
DL is dead...and Niki decided to give Micah to DL's Mom so that she could go to the Company to get rid of her power...and there might be a new character which is Micah's Grandma, 'Nana'...
Alejandro are caught by police after trying to steal a car...and Maya willing to use her power to free her brother...
Claire got a new boyfriend, West...and West show to Claire his power which is he can fly like Nathan Petrelli...and also he told Claire that he once got abducted by a guy, which turn out to be her father...by the way, Claire's father learned that he will die after he see Isaac's painting...
Suresh got a lab which is at Isaac's apartment...and now he lives with Matt Parkman and Molly...
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- Shunjike7
- 3:21 PG
Minggu Terakhir
Wow, in less than a week, we'll celebrate Hari Raya...and it means we're just left with less than a week to fast...
This year is my last year fasting and celebrating hari raya overseas...how does it feel fasting overseas?...does it hard?...
Err sama aje kot ngan posa kat Malaysia...cuma aku rindu akan bazar ramadhan...dan aku kalau pegi bazar ramadhan pon bukannya beli lauk pauk tapi beli kuih muih dan air yang ade macam2 jenis...yerla ader sesetengah kuih muih tue aku jumpa kat bazar ramadhan aje...sama jugak dengan air2 yang dijual kat situ...kadang2 memang susah nak jumpa air2 cenggitu di bulan2 lain selain ramadhan...
Dugaan puasa di UK?...rindu nak bukak posa ngan famili...itu aje
Pepun, dah tak lama aje lagi aku akan balik Mesia so sabar ajela...macam aku cakap, tahun nie last berpuasa dan raya di perantaun...insya'allah mana la nak tau dimasa-masa hadapan akan ader rezeki lagi untuk datang ke oversea...itu hanya tuhan yang tahu...
Post Info
- Shunjike7
- 2:38 PG
Hari nie ade meeting bebudak kpm kat Victoria hall...rumah Ada...meeting nie dibuat sebab nak buat sesi perkenalan antara semua bebudak kpm yang baru datang dan yang dah lama datang...ala bebudak first year ngan senior...
So, aderla lebih kurang 9 orang kot bebudak first year kpm yang datang ke Birmingham nie...mostlynya budak matriks...budak BPG tak ramai pon taun nie...
Then lepas sesi berkenalan tue, kitaorang ader sesi perbincangan pasal nak buat majlis rumah terbuka hari raya...dalam 2 minggu lepas raya...jamuan tue bebudak KPM Birm yang anjurkan dan kitaorang jemput semua bebudak undergraduate Birmingham plus all KPM students from other universities in UK...
Kira macam besar la jugak jamuan nie...itu pon kitaorang tak jemput postgraduates sebab tak cukup bajet...kalau nak jemput, rabak la poket kitaorang...
Habih meeting, terus gerak ke Sing Fatt kat city centre sebab nak beli bebarang rumah...biasala kalau awal2 bulan nie, kena beli stok barula...
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- Shunjike7
- 4:59 PG
TV Series
Skang nie dah masuk 1/3 terakhir dalam bulan ramadhan...so camna?...ok ke?
Aku kat sini ok aje...sihat walafiat...puasa pon tak terasa sangat disebabkan cuaca sejuk...
Ingatkan nak post spoiler Heroes tapi maleh plak rasanya...jadi sesapa yang nak baca spoiler Heroes epi. 2, korang google aje la yer...nanti kuarla berlambak-lambak results dia tue...
Selain dari heroes, aku aktif juga mendonlod series lain...Desperate Housewives, Weeds, Heroes, House MD, Californication, dan juga Reaper...Desperate ngan House dah masuk season 4, Weeds skang nie season 3, Heroes season 2 dan dua citer lagi tue, Reaper ngan Californication plak series baru...
Reaper berkisah tentang seorang lelaki yang baru baru menyambut harijadi ke-21...alkisahnya sewaktu dia belum dilahirkan, mak bapak dia telah menjual souls dia kepada Devil atas beberapa sebab... jadi apabila dia berumur 21 tahun, dia perlu berkhidmat kepada Devil sebagai Reaper...keje dia kene tangkap souls orang2 jahat yang telah escape dari Hell...gitula sinopsisnya...so far baru 2 episode...jalan citer takdela menarik sangat tapi kelakarla sikit2...citer nie hanya untuk orang2 yang bosan takde mende lain nak buat, jadi bleyla tengok citer nie...pelakon dia tak glemer yer...
Satu lagi citer, Californication plak pasal seorang lelaki yang mempunyai seorang anak perempuan ngan kekasihnya...malangnya disebabkan dia tidak pernah mengajak kekasihnya berkahwin, maka kekasihnya telah tinggalkan dia dan mencari lelaki lain...so lelaki first tadi barula sedar yang dia masih mencintai kekasihnya tue dan nak ajak kekasihnya kahwin...malangnya kekasihnya dah fed up...jadi citer nie pasal seorang lelaki yang nak menawan hati kekasihnya balik...tapi awas! citer nie kategori 18sx...sesapa yang tersinggung, atau tak reti nak forward bila ade adegan2 xxx, sila jangan tonton drama ini...citer nie pon kelakar jugak sikit2...oh pelakon utamanya adalah David Duchovny...ala yang berlakon dalam X-Files tue...dia nie memang suka berlakon citer yang ader X kot...

So itu ajelah series yang membuatkan aku sibuk sepanjang minggu...oh lupa plak...untuk series local, yakni drama melayu...aku layan citer Kami dan Gol & Gincu yang ditayangkan kat 8TV...dan juga drama Kerana Cintaku Saerah yang ditayangkan kat TV3...

Citer Kami tue bagi aku sangat menarik...cuma ader 8 episode...citer nie berkisar pasal kehidupan 5 orang remaja yang setiap satunya mempunyai cerita mereka sendiri...dan cerita mereka itu adalah cerita mengenai kehidupan remaja hari nie yang terlibat dengan dadah, masalah di sekolah, masalah keluarga...skang nie dah episode 5 jadi ader 3 episode lagi yang tinggal...so check it out...
Bagi sesapa yang tau lagi, skang nie korang semua boleh tengok selected program yang ditayangkan di tv, melalui internet...kat semua website rangkaian tv Media Prima (TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9) , korang bley tengok citer2 macam Melodi, Nona, Majalah Tiga, Muzik-muzik, drama Kami, Gol & Gincu, Seekers, dan banyak lagi melalui website2 tv terbabit...just pergi ke website2 tue dan click 'Catch-up TV'...nanti keluarla senarai citer2 yang korang bley tengok kat situ...oh Manjalara ngan Jelatang pon ader jugak kat situ...
Kami Tv Series
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- Shunjike7
- 2:30 PG
The Look
Today, i got my first 'look'...the look which you guys will get to see when u're in my shoes...and i really hate that look...and of course i'll get to see it a lot in a couple weeks time...
That's why i hate to tell anyone...cos i can't bare to look at 'the look'...and i'm fortunate enough that the one i chose to tell, they don't have that look...
And the moment i see the look, i feel like to fly straight away...fly far far away...
But then, i realise...just be a thick wall...a wall that don't have any soul...so that i'll have a courage to finish what i started...
And here i am...thinking what i want to eat for iftar today...it's either chicken soup with rice/noodle, lamb tandoori, or just a garlic bread with mushroom soup...
Post Info
- Shunjike7
- 12:08 PG
The Best Medicine
19 Ramadhan
Suhu sekarang nie dah makin sejuk...tapi yang bestnyer cerah...tak hujan macam musim panas yang baru lepas...yup skang nie di UK dah masuk musim luruh or autumn...macam biasa daun2 kat pokok dah mula bertukar warna keperangan malah dah ader yang gugur...tapi bukan semua pokok jadi togel...ader juga 2-3 jenis pokok yang daunnya sentiasa hijau sepanjang tahun hatta semasa winter juga...
Oh, semalam aku gi city centre...at first just want to window shopping but at the end i still bought something...ajak Hairi tapi dah dia sibuk nak tido, aku ajak Esah n Iqa...ader orang kater shopping nie bley hilangkan stress dan tension...well its true...
So kalau dah pegi shopping kat city centre tue, mana lagi tempat nak dituju selain dari Bullring...dah tentula itu satu-satunya shopping complex yang besar...takkan aku nak pegi The Mailbox plak...tak mampu wei...Mailbox itu umpama Starhill kat Malaysia...semua kedai branded aje ader dalam tue...Harvey Nichols, Emporio Armani, Hugo Boss...kedai orang2 kaya aje tue...
Oh selain dari Bullring, Pavillion pon ader tapi tak banyak kedai...Mark n Spencer pon tak best sangat nak pi shopping sebab baju2 dia taste orang2 tua, bukan untuk remaja...tapikan, M n S Food sangat best...kek dan desert dia memang sedap...
Berbalik kepada citer window shopping aku, kuar dari Bullring, terus ke New Street...sebab itu ala2 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman...penuh dengan kedai kiri kanan...masuk kedai tue kejap, kedai nie kejap...and at last kat satu kedai tue, aku nampak satu bende best...tapi unaffordable...so lupakan ajela...lupa plak nak mention kat Next ader sale kasut...design dah lawa, sekali bila belek dalam kulit b@b1 daa...melepas aku...dah la sale 50%...
pastu masuk satu kedai...nampak satu bende yang best...harganya ok...design ok...terus beli...hahaha...shopping is the best medicine...balik rumah boom terus tido...
Post Info
- Shunjike7
- 12:09 PTG
Mengenai Saya
- Shunjike7
- Lembah Bernam, Perak, Malaysia
- aku nie seorang yang kuat makan, kuat tido dan tak suka belajar...
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